This project explores the use of Zulus and Zuluness as entertainment from the mid-1850s to the present. Touching on exhibitions of Zulus by Europeans and North Americans early on, this is a tale of exploitation and cultural appropriation. Moving into the early to mid-twentieth century, however, it becomes clear that this is not a one-way exchange of culture, but rather an arrangement that, at times, was used to the benefit of marginalized groups, specifically African Americans and Zulus themselves.
This is by no means an exhaustive account of the many uses of Zulus as entertainment during this period. If you notice a moment that I missed and would like to contribute either materials or ideas to this project, please use the Contact button above to submit this information by email.
Feel free to email me to provide some feedback on the project or to just say hello!
Liz Timbs
PhD Candidate, African History, Michigan State University
PhD Candidate, Michigan State University
Twitter: tizlimbs